Monday, November 24, 2008

Sleeping in the stewdio

Well, with my first few days of unemployment under my belt, and going through what Dewey Cox would describe as a "dark period", I figured rather than go bat-shit crazy I should go to the studio and at least try to work on some stuff. I actually had a really productive evening. I knocked out three instrumentals that I personally thought were banging, and spit vocals on a beat I'd constructed a few weeks ago. Can't say it came out staggeringly great, but I like the verses so maybe it will turn up somewhere else. At 4:00 am I couldn't work any longer, and it was about 40 below freezing outside, so when faced with the walk to 6th Ave to catch the F...I said fuck all that and just slept on the couch in the control room. Woke up at 8, did a little coffee-and-blunt breakfast, reviewed my mixes and hopped the train home.

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2:20 am, at that point between creativity and sleep.

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"My God, Cheryl - I think this rapper has been using marijuana. Christ, we never even saw this coming"

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My sleeping quarters

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